Lifetime Top Contributors:
- 350$ (Almost reached.)This will pay the internet/phone bills, and public transport costs for me.
- 500$ (Not reached.)Saving up for a new laptop for college. Will also allow me to get out of my room more often, since I can work and study on it in like a cafe or somewhere with fresh air.
- 1575$ (Not reached.)I'll be a bit more stable financially, and this will allow me to save money more easily on the side. I'll be able to start working on side projects again, and save up for a way out of Egypt.
- 3500$ (Not reached.)The average income for someone with my skill-set is usually around this goal number. I'll be able to afford to leave Egypt, feel safer, and start a new life; if this goal is ever achieved.
I need to pay the bills and save some money on the side. Please hire me.
Why you should support me?